Thursday, December 31, 2009

A snowy afternoon...............

trying to catch snowflakes with my tongue...

OOPS! caught one in my eye!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ICA-The Institute of Comtemporary Art...........

There's no photography in the museum galleries, but click the link to see Justine and Patrick's favorite exhibit...ICA Home | Damian

Ortega: Do It Yourself

This was Justine's favorite thing in the exhibit, they give the children booklets and pencils and encourage them to sketch what they see...below is Justine's interpretation!

Dancing to subway musicians on the way home......

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Candlepin bowling at Boston Bowl!!!!

Final score...Matthew-66, Marla-65, Justine-63(not bad at all for her first time!)

Today was even warm enough for a little playground time!!!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A quick shopping trip....

Then pizza for lunch...

Now it's off tho the ice rink to test out the new skates from Santa!